Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Administration of appropriate behavior in children
Administration of appropriate behavior in children A child’s behavior is very imperative in determining the future of a society; therefore, monitoring one’s child/adolescent behavior enables the parents to track any changes, which would deserve correction. According Chance (2003), behavior builds up into one’s character and therefore, parents play an important role in shaping a child’s character (p.65). Psychologists divide punishment as either positive or negative.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Administration of appropriate behavior in children specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Positive punishment is the â€Å"presentation of a stimulus that decreases the future likelihood of a behavior to occur†¦negative punishment is the removal of a stimulus that decreases the likelihood of a behavior to occur in future†(Domjan Burkhard, 1982, p.67). In both cases, the punishment works to reduce the likelihood of future occurrence of beh avior. If used appropriately, punishment can eliminate an odd behavior. The only disadvantage is that it takes a great deal of time and energy to implement. Behavior modification by punishment is very complex. Effective punishment administration is very specific in its order of delivery. Delivering punishment in a state of anger may result in violation of the rules of effective punishment administration hence end up with negative results (Domjan, 1996, p.28). Secondly, children learn best from copying their parents’ behaviors. However, children may grow to develop aggressive behaviors to cope up with their problems. Punishment works to eliminate inappropriate behavior but there is no introduction of other appropriate behaviors to replace the inappropriate one. The child ends up replacing an inappropriate behavior with an inappropriate one. By default, the disadvantages of punishment far out do the advantages. Another form of administering the correct behavior is by use of rei nforcement, but it can also be negative or positive. Reinforcement is the â€Å"introduction or removal of a stimulus that increases the occurrence of a certain behavior in future†(Michael, 2005, p. 219). Therefore, parents should dwell on the positive reinforcement; for instance, a parent might decide to take a child out upon completion of a certain task. This way, parents introduce an appropriate behavior to replace the inappropriate one hence parents should embrace it. Parents should embrace reinforcement as its advantages outdo those of punishment. References Chance, P. (2003) Learning and Behavior. Toronto: Thomson-Wadsworth.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Domjan, M. (1996). Essentials of conditioning and learning. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. Domjan, M., Burkhard, B. (1982). The principles of learning and behavior. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. Michael, J. (2005). Positive and negative reinforcement, a distinction that is no Longer necessary; or a better way to talk about bad things. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 24, 207–222.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Free Essays on Sears Tower
SEARS TOWER The Petrona Towers in Malaysia may hold the world’s tallest building title, but the Sears Tower is the tallest building in North America. . (BENNET p.40) The functions of skyscrapers are usually for commercial use. The Sears Tower is a fine example of it, not only for being the headquarters for Sears it was named the â€Å"Home Insurance Building.†The Reliance Building in Chicago was built in 1895, it was fifteen stories high, and it used a semi rigid steel frame. The rigid steel frame was held together with steel beams and connected by rivets. (BENNET p.44) Over the years steel and concrete productions and new technologie reach a higher level, architects use these new materials to reach a greater height in the designs of skyscrapers. The Sears Tower is studied by architects and engineers for it is extraordinary architectural design. The Sears Tower became the tallest building in the world in May of 1973, in Chicago, Illinois when the final beam was positioned and bolted in place. It was an exhilarating day for every person who had a love of skyscrapers. The Sears Tower surpassed the previous record holder, the World Trade Center in Manhattan that was done in 1972 and before that the Empire State Building held the record since 1931. The Sears Tower was built for Sears Roebuck & Company the world’s largest retail store. Sears was growing at an enormous rate and needed more office space for the company’s growing popula... Free Essays on Sears Tower Free Essays on Sears Tower SEARS TOWER The Petrona Towers in Malaysia may hold the world’s tallest building title, but the Sears Tower is the tallest building in North America. . (BENNET p.40) The functions of skyscrapers are usually for commercial use. The Sears Tower is a fine example of it, not only for being the headquarters for Sears it was named the â€Å"Home Insurance Building.†The Reliance Building in Chicago was built in 1895, it was fifteen stories high, and it used a semi rigid steel frame. The rigid steel frame was held together with steel beams and connected by rivets. (BENNET p.44) Over the years steel and concrete productions and new technologie reach a higher level, architects use these new materials to reach a greater height in the designs of skyscrapers. The Sears Tower is studied by architects and engineers for it is extraordinary architectural design. The Sears Tower became the tallest building in the world in May of 1973, in Chicago, Illinois when the final beam was positioned and bolted in place. It was an exhilarating day for every person who had a love of skyscrapers. The Sears Tower surpassed the previous record holder, the World Trade Center in Manhattan that was done in 1972 and before that the Empire State Building held the record since 1931. The Sears Tower was built for Sears Roebuck & Company the world’s largest retail store. Sears was growing at an enormous rate and needed more office space for the company’s growing popula...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Windows Directory Services Proposal Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Windows Directory Services Proposal - Term Paper Example In addition, it simplifies the interactions amongst every hierarchy levels with in the organization. Since communication and connectivity are perhaps the most vital services to the operation of Initech, mitigating on possible problem points with them is in the best interest of the Organization. Another benefit it will bring to the company is its high reliability; the enormous strain that has been on the servers will be eliminated. The problem of mergers which have caused disconnection within the organization will also be solved. This will essentially minimize failure points. Other benefits that it has are its high security which will keep user passwords safe and help prevent access by unauthorized users, and low cost. Some of the key features in my design include the Active Directory Domain Services. It is essential in defining the structure of data and services that provide management, organization, and security of resources and accounts. It also has an Active Directory forest which contains all the trusts, sites and domains. This acts as an organization’s security boundary, and it defines the administration’s scope of authority. Other features that it has are the time service and source peer, and a clock manager among others. Initech should select my proposal because it touches on and helps to solve all the problems that the organization has been facing over the years. While designing this, I bore in mind the vital concerns that Initech as an organization has been facing. My design also incorporates services, data structure and elements that provide organization, management, and security of accounts and resources which will surely increase productivity in the organization ( Forest, domain, OU, and trust configuration In this forest, a two-way, transitive trust association is automatically created between any newly created domain and its parent domain. Trusts are logical associations
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Proposed amendment to county comprehensive plans Assignment
Proposed amendment to county comprehensive plans - Assignment Example (Puget Sound Regional Council, 2008, 59) The counties of both Pierce and Snohomish will have the opportunity to vote on the Vision 2040 document, and amongst its terms are the preceding. The following discussion paper will outline the policy and its various facets. It will also introduce some of the broadest national, indeed international, implications of the policy as well as the local issues of direct and immediate importance. This document will provide Pierce and Snohomish councilors with all the information necessary to make a considered and enlightened decision regarding Vision 2040, in the context of Multicounty Planning Policy DP-47. Vision 2040 and the Goals of Pierce and Snohomish Counties Vision 2040 is 'The Growth Management, Environmental, Economic, and Transportation Strategy for the Central Puget Sound Region' and was adopted by the PSRC General Assembly on April 24, 2008 and amended by the PSCR Executive Board on May 28, 2009. Consequently, it's jurisdiction covers Pie rce and Snohomish Counties. ... (Puget Sound Regional Council, 2008, v) As such in its general principles it corresponds precisely with the goals of the Pierce County Code Title 19A – Comprehensive Plan, 2010. This document commences with the identification of thirteen goals. One of these is (E.) 'Economic Development', and another is (J.) â€Å"Protect the environment and enhance the state's high quality of life, including air and water quality, and the availability of water.†A range of the other objectives relate to social goals and quality of life issues. Clearly, therefore, the Vision 2040 document is congruent with Pierce County's broadest policy thrusts. Such is also the case with Snohomish County. The future of Snohomish County is outlined in the Snohomish County Department of Planning and Development Services, General Policy Plan, 2011 identifies a series of themes and policy objectives that are also consonant with Vision 2040: Encouragement of development and/or redevelopment in urban areas with existing or planned public facilities and services. Reduction of urban sprawl. Adequate provision of efficient multi-modal transportation systems. Availability of affordable housing for citizens of all income levels. Promotion of economic opportunity. Respect for private property rights. Predictability and timeliness of permit review processes. Conservation of natural resources. Retention of open space and provision of recreational opportunities. Protection and enhancement of the environment. Citizen participation in the planning process. Adequate provision of necessary public facilities and services. Preservation of historic and archaeological resources. Utilization, protection, restoration and preservation of shorelines of statewide significance. (Snohomish
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Power and control as related to the movie The Book of Eli Research Paper
Power and control as related to the movie The Book of Eli - Research Paper Example In wide strokes, the film likewise takes after a Western plot: the man with no name, a more peculiar, comes into town, executes the scalawags, and leaves. Be that as it may The Book of Eli, dissimilar to most hostile to religious Westerns, insists the force of God and investigates how religion could be utilized for great or sick. Eli is the model of the positive force of religion. Soon after the war, Eli heard a voice, probably Gods, controlling him to discover the last duplicate of the Bible in presence, covered under rubble. The voice let him know to take the Bible west and let him know he might be secured from anybody and anything (The Book of Eli). This insurance is outlined throughout every battle scene in the film. In the initial two, groups of hooligans debilitate Eli with blades and clubs as recently witnessed in Nigeria where dozens were killed because of struggle over power (NBC). Eli tries to defuse the circumstances, conversing with them and battling if all else fails. Be that as it may when he battles, he is unstoppable, moving with economy and effortlessness, uniquely in contrast to the blundering scalawags. This sign is clear to his adversaries: as the boss lowlife, Carnegie, notes: "Nobody can deal with themselves as you do. In the later two battles, the scoundrels strike him with weapons. But their shots bafflingly miss, while Eli shoots with destructive precision. The lowlifes face off regarding this. The hooligans propose that "hes secured by one means or another in that he cant be touched." Carnegie negates them. "Hes simply a man. Put a projectile in him and hell go down." Late in the film, Carnegie tests this, shooting Eli, and abandoning him for dead. However Eli survives, climbing again to keep strolling west, demonstrating Carnegie off (The Holy Bible). Where Eli is intrigued by peace, staying away
Friday, November 15, 2019
Impact of Globalisation on the Nation-State
Impact of Globalisation on the Nation-State Introduction The discussions of globalization have become topics which are in the great demand. Especially with the development of information and technology and the form of global economy, the global affairs have become more and more complicated. It is hard to distinguish the internal affairs and external affairs. People found that the distances between different countries are shorter than before. After the Cold War, a great amount of countries publish their economic policies to develop their economies. Take American 11th September for example, 11th September is an event that New York America attacked by the terrorists. However, the global aviation, finance, technology all has been affected as well as the international business. Even the central banks in mostly countries have taken the action of decreasing the interests to make the effects of 11th September not to be so serious. Those phenomenon show that globalization has growth rapidly, and has deeply influent the development and vicissitude o f the situation of global politics and economy. To observe it deeply, different countries and institutions have different influences. As the matter of fact, it is to some extent a relationship of gain and lost. Whatever the existence of globalization or the debates of scholars on globalization, those all illustrate that globalization is a development of process. However, the importance of globalization has already drawn the attention of countries. This essay will be divided into three sections. Firstly, the definition of globalization will be analysed. Through the compare of different definitions, a clear sense of globalization will come out. After that the process of globalization will be briefly introduced from some aspects, the geography and time period, the global economy and culture and politics. Secondly, nation-state will be discussed. In this section, five aspects will be analysed. This section includes the definition of nation-state, the influence of politics, economy and culture on nation-state. Moreover, the role of media in global condition will be discussed. Thirdly, this essay will discuss if globalization destroyed the nation-state or not. Then finally a conclusion will be made. Globalization What is globalization? Globalization could be argued to be a process, which the flow of substances and spirit products destroy the area and the boundaries of countries, and effect the peoples life around every corner of the earth. The globalization also includes the immigrations. It could be seen from the table, it is not easy to define what globalization is. It is a phenomenon which influenced peoples life. Based on Busch (2009), globalization is a continuing process of intensity not only the economy, but also culture, social life and politics. From the definition above, it could be argued that the definition of globalisation could be analysed into two parts. The first one is the space. As the Buschs and Waters view, globalization means that the boundaries of countries are being decreased. Although this does not mean the compression of geography, it is the economy and culture make the distances between different countries decreased. Secondly, it is something about relationships. Robertson (1995) indicated that the conflict and unity of homogeneity and heterogeneity make globalization. The globalization makes the people from all over the world getting more and more close in culture, economy and politics. The countries are more relied on each other. The process of globalization Basically, the process of globalization could be divided into three moments. The first one is in geography filed. The first emergence of globalization could be dated back to 1492 A.D. according to Butzer (1992), the European encounter discover the American continent. Then after a period of time, Britain colonized India, the world has changed from a large scale to small size. The second moment, Holton (1998) indicated that from 1960s the advent of globalization has more developed. The words globalization and global village are newly added into the dictionary. Take American foe example, in the post-1945 ear, American constructed a hegemonic order (Ikenberry, 2007). To some extent it could not be denied that the hegemonic order of America pushed the economic globalization within the global condition. The third moment is after the history steps into the 21st century more opportunities are produced to people, so that the people flow cross the countries to seek more comfortable life. Howev er, this might be harmful to some of the countries. For instance, the U.S. was the most opened country in the world before 10th September 2001. On 11th September 2001, the U.S. has been attacked by terrorists. After that Americas border was quite closed (Alden, 2008). The widely discussions of globalization is the global economy. Based on Wills, Samli and Jacobs (1997), the world economy is trending globally. And there are three major economy regions in the world, the European Union, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Pacific Rim (Bennett, 1995). The economic groups indicated that the economy in each country has more closed. Culture and politics globalization are also notable. Take American culture for example, because of the development of technology, the communication within the world is getting easier and easier. Movies which are made by Hollywood are very famous among the countries. Now Hollywood movies are trying to absorb the actors from different countries to gain more global audience (Robertson, 1995). However, politics are more closed with economy. The hegemonic order which constructed by America, the policies which published, most of them are aims to support the development of economy. Nation-state What is nation-state? According to Grossberg (2006), nation-state could be argued to provide some securities for people, such as economic, social and physical. Grossbegy (2006) went further that nation-state also means that the sovereign is under control of its own leadership or people, but not under control of some other external aspects. It could be identified that nation-state is a political community. Within the nation-state, the country has the power to set up its own laws to make sure its territorial autonomy is integrated and political sovereignty is not encroach by some other countries else. The social cohesion within a nation-state has its unique society. Moreover, the people in a nation-state share the same culture, religion language and so on. The influence of politics on nation-state. Politics has great influences on nation-state. Politics is an activity and relations. Politics could be seen as the treatment of the relationship between people. Vitally, politics could influent the nation-state economy. Without a steady, health condition of political atmosphere, the economy will not be developed. Take Japan for example; in the years of Meiji era, the government gave the great support for the economy. Therefore, Japan became richer and richer. At that time, the government encouraged people to develop the economy; the policies the government made were more concentrate on economy. Many companies have grown fast. As Ikenberry (2007) indicated after the World War ?, the leaders of America made many efforts to rebuild the trade, investment and currency. Although those politicise helped America to construct is hegemonic order; it could not be denied that those policies made the American economy quickly recovered. Moreover, the governors should fully understand the economy. If the government misunderstand the economy, the politics they made will destroy the economy. For example, if a country import a foreign product at a very low price, even lower than the internal price, many people in the same filed within the nation-state will lost their job. The influence of economy on nation-state. The economy influenced the nation-state as well. As the matter of fact that the nation-state economy influent the politics and culture within the nation-state. As Grossberg (2007) indicated that the nation-state has more concentrate on the sovereign and territorial autonomy. However, the economy is the basic construction which could decide if people within the nation-state have a better life or not. Altschull (1997) argued that there are four basic patterns which influence media ownership; one of the four patterns is commercial aspect. From here, it could be seen economy has influenced each part in the nation-state. Economy also influences the national culture. There was an old saying in Chinese culture only you have enough food, you could have time to pay attention on your behaviours. People have enough food; they could do their jobs well or not resist the government. If a scientist is hungry and no food to eat, he would probably not continue doing his research. If a litterateur doe s not have enough food to eat, he has to do some physical work, such as cultivation. He would probably not write those literatures. Without the development of economy, the society members have to cultivate themselves, the society, even the nation-state could not be developed. The influence of culture on nation-state. Culture could be argued as the spirit of the nation-state. People in the same nation-state share the same history, religion, language and so on. It is said that, for a person, his fortune is decided by his personality. The culture could be compared with the personality of a country. Thus, culture could by the actions and response when a country faced some problems. Culture could affect peoples lifestyle (Evans, Jamal, and Foxall, 2009). Take Japan for example; according to Lebra (1974), the spirit of Japanese culture is to respect the person who is perfectly capable. They do not have any sympathizes for the wreakers. Therefore, if one wants to get some respect from other Japanese, the first thing to do is to become stronger. It could not be denied that become strong so as to gain identify of the world. Apart from the correct or incorrect of this spirit in the ethic field of Japan, only concentrate on the development of the nation-state is beneficial to Japanese society. Under this cu lture, Japan could become more and stronger. Culture could be inherited. Therefore; culture would influence the idea of a nation. A perfect culture passed on generation by generation, the later government will become strong and well developed. The role of media in the erosion of nation-state. Media actually helped globalization to shock the national culture, however the globalization of media make the distances of countries shorter and shorter. Firstly, the globalization of media threatens the national culture. As Doyle (2002) indicated that the trends of international media id expansion and the press are controlled by large companies. Sreberny (2000) argued that after American hegemonic order, American values are now stepping into to the hearts and minds of the Third World countries. Take Hollywood movies for example; as it mentioned in previous sections, Hollywood movies have now employed more people with different nationalities to act and produces the movies so as to attract more audiences for outside the U.S. However, the American do not full understand other countries cultures, there always have some misunderstandings in the movies to make other countries people feel uncomfortable. Moreover, with the development of technology, televisions are widely spread. Satellite television could receive hundreds of channels. Young people could learn another culture from the television; but for their own culture, it might be fade. However, the globalization of media makes the distances of countries shorter and shorter. As mentioned above, the development of technology, more families have television. Through television programs, people could learn more things. Especially after the invention of computer and internet, all the information from each country could be checked from them. This made peoples life more comfortable. Has globalization destroyed nation-state? Globalization has not destroyed nation-state. Globalization brings numerous benefits to the world. Some people believed that globalization helped poor people from developing countries out of the poor conditions. Because globalization helped the developing countries opened their markets. Ikenberry (2007) pointed out that after the World War ?, American leaders have promoted to recovered the economy by publishing a series of policies to set up an open system of business, investment and currency. The price of labour in developing countries is much cheaper than developed countries. Therefore, many multinationals have been set up, and provided more job opportunities to the local people. Take China for example, the expending of employment in multinationals have helped many poor Chinese out of poverty. According to Bardhams (2006) research people who live in the rural areas whose daily living cost under $1 per day were decreased from 79% to 27% in China from 1981 to 2001. China is a socialism country, but introduced capitalist business methods in 1987 (Bennett, 1995), and opened its markets to other countries to developed its economy. The capitalist business methods have made great achievements to China. There is another good example from Bangladesh; Barfham (2006) did an interview of a woman call Rahana Chandhuri who works in garment export factories. She said there are many women work in the garment export factories. Although the job is not fair, compare with other people, she still earns much money. A research shows that 86% of women work in the garment industry and their average monthly income are more than their neighbourhoods (Bardham, 2006). Globalization weakens the barriers of geography, but closes the link between different countries. Slagnt, Harben and Pallant (2006) argued that all the countries could share the materials all over the world. People in different countries could buy whatever they want in the local supermarkets and the materials for industry used also could be import and export easily. Fr o example, Chinese students who studies could buy Chinese cooking ingredients in Tesco, and in U.K.s stores, it is not hard to find any products which said made in China. In addition, the development of transportation makes the distance of different countries shorter and shorter. For instance, in the past it might take years to travel from China to Britain. However, now from Beijing to London, it only takes less than 10hours by direct flight. Globalization of economy bring many benefits to the countries within the world, so as the culture. Still take Hollywood movies for example,, many people with different nationalities work together to produce movies suitable for the audience from all over the world. Globalization has destroyed nation-state. Globalization also brings many disadvantages to the nation-state. Firstly, for example, after the multinationals enter the developing countries, it could not be denied that human is greedy, in order to make more money, the owners of export and import factories even hired children work for them. Based on Bardhams (2006) research, in Bangladesh, the garment export factories used to hire children to work for them; because children is much cheaper than adult labours. If the owners of those factories employed children work for them they will gain more profits. In 1993, the U.S. has banned on importing products using children labour, the garment dismissed about 50000 children. However, only few of them went back to school, most of them went to stone breaking or even child prostitution. Secondly, the economy of developing countries was helped by large international organisations such as economic groups. Those developing countries need to change something in order to fit those economic group s. It could be easily lost the autonomy of those countries. China enter WTO in 1999, nine hundred laws would need to be changed to adapt the world economy (Nolan, 2001). This might be the biggest challenge to Chinese retailers, for they have using the original laws for a long time, the changing of laws might make some of the small retailers go bankrupt. Moreover, changing laws could make China loose the autonomy in charting the complex path of economy reform. Thirdly, the globalization of culture destroyed local culture. Islam culture is a unique culture, and different from western culture. Turner (2007) argued that the development of global mass communication has influenced the Islam world. It is an extension of westernization, and will weaken the local culture. With the American hegemonic order, the Americanization has appeared many places all over the world. For example, many Chinese students or even adults are huge fans of NBA, a basketball association in America. Those fans eve n look down upon their own countries basketball association. Another example, McDonalds are in every part of China. Children like this American fast food than Chinese dishes. Fourthly, English is using wildly; people could travel to any other countries whose native language are not English; however, English is still workable there, the same as Chinese. Since the English and Chinese are widely use all over the world, some language whose native speakers are really few will be endangered. When a language disappeared, the culture will soon disappeared, and could only be finding in the books. Conclusions This essay is aiming to discuss if globalization has destroyed nation-state or not. This essay was divided into three parts. The first part focuses on globalization. There were many definitions of globalization; they are defined from different aspects. From compare different definitions of globalization given by scholars, then an idea of definition of globalization is being cleared. Globalization is not only a pheromone within the world of politics, economy and culture, but also a process. The earliest emergence of globalization could be dated back to the year of 1492. In recent times the construction of hegemonic order of America pushes the speed of the globalization. The second part was concentrated on nation-state. Globalization is a kind of process; the nation-state is more focus on the political sovereignty and territorial autonomy, social cohesion and culture. Politics, economy and culture all have the influence on nation-state. Media has two sides; it has erosion on nation-sta te, but also makes the distance of countries shorter. The third part discussed if globalization destroyed nation-state or not. Globalization is a sword with two sides. For one aspect, the globalization made the developing countries out of poverty. People in those countries lived in a more comfortable life. Globalization also weakens the barriers of different countries, and makes the links of different countries. The distances of different countries are getting closer. However, globalization made some destroys of nation-state. For example, in some developing countries the factories owners hired children. Some developing countries have to change their laws to enter the economy groups to make more profit, so that those countries will probably loose their autonomy. The widely spread of American culture and English language will make some local culture and language endangered. As mentioned above, globalization is a sword with two sides, if the nation-state makes the proper polities and p rotections of culture, the benefits of globalization will make the countries become stronger. References Alden, E. (2008) The Closing of the American Border: Terrorism, Immigration, and Security Since 911, Harper. Pp35-50 Altschull, J.H. (1997) Boundaries of Journalistic Autonomy, Berkowitz, D. (eds). Social Meanings of news: a text -reader. London: Sage. Pp259-268. Bardhan, P (2006, April). Does Globalization Help or Hurt the Worlds Poor? Scientific America, [Magazine, online]. Retrieved March 5, 2008, from accessed on 31.11.09 Beck, U. (2000), Introduction. what is Globalization? Cambridge: Polity. Pp1-16 Bennett, R. (1995) International Marketing: Strategy, Planning, Market Entry and Implementation, London: Kogan Page Limited. pp157-209 Busch, A. (2009) Introduction, Globalization and State Capacity, Banking Regulation and Globalization, Oxford:Oxford University Press. Pp 1-22 Butzer, K.W. (1992) From Columbus to Acosta: Science, Geography and the New world, Annals of the Association of American Geography. Vol 82, NO.3, The American before and after 1492: Current Geographical Research (Sep. 1992). Pp543-565 Doyle, G. (2002) Media Ownership: The Economics and Politics of Convergence and Concentration in the UK and European Media, London: Sage. Pp141-153, pp171-179 Evans, M., Jamal, A. and Foxall, G. (2009) Culture and Subculture, Consumer Behaviour, 2nd Edition, Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. Pp284-291 Giddens, A. (1990) The Globalising of Modernity, The Consequences of modernity, Cambridge: Polity. P64 Grossbery, L., Wartella, E., Whitney, D. C. and Wise, J.M. (2006) Globalization, the Nation-state and Culture Imperialism, Media Making: Mass Media in Popular Culture, California: Sage Publications Inc. pp424-425 Held, D. (2002) Governing Globalization: Power, Authority and Global Governance. Held, D. and McGrew (eds), Oxford: Polity. P1 Holton, R.J. (1998) Globalization and Nation-state. Hampshire: Macmillan Press Ltd. Pp21-25 Ikenberry, G. J. (2007) Globalization as American Hegemony, Held, D. and McGrew, A. (eds) Globalization Theory, Cambridge: Polity. Pp41-58 Lebra, W.P. (1974) Introduction, Japanese Culture and Behaviour: Selected Readings,Revised Edition, Lebra, W.P. and Lebra, T.S.(eds). Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press. Pp xi-xix Nolan, P (2001), China and the Global Economy. Wales: creative Print and Design Ebbwvale, PP195-196 Robertson, R. (1995) Globalization: Time-space and homogeneity-heterogeneity. In: Global Modernities, Featherstone, M., Lash, S. and Robertson, R. (eds). London: Sage. Pp 25-41 Slagnt, J, Harben, P and Pallant, A (2006), The Global Village: Challenges for a shrinking planet-Source Book, Reading; Garnet Publishing ltd. PP44-45 Sreberny, A. (2000) The Global and the Local in International Communication. In Mass Media and Society, 3rd Edition, Curran, J. and Gurevitch, M. (eds), London: Arnold. Pp118-136 Turner, B.S. (2007) Islam and Consumerism, In: Part 2 Global Consumerism, Tourism and Identity, In Globalization: The Reader, Oxford: Blackwells. Pp141-163 Waters, M. (1995) Globalization, London: Routledge. P3 Wills, J., Samli, A.C., Jacobs, L. (1997) Developing Global Products and Marketing Strategies: A Construct and A research Agenda, Doole, I. and Lowe, R. (eds). International Marketing Strategy: Contemporary Readings. London:Tomson International Business Press. Pp45-50
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Loss of the Unicorns Horn in The Glass Menagerie :: Tennessee Williams
Topic: Discuss the significance of the breaking of the unicorn's horn. Why does Laura give Jim the broken unicorn as a souvenir? "The Glass Menagerie" by Tennessee Williams is a play which is believed to be part of his real life. As the image of Williams's sister Rose, who is interested in glass animals, Laura also has a glass collection. In the play, the glass menagerie itself is pregnant with significance and symbolism. The breaking of the glass unicorn's horn, Laura's favorite one, symbolizes the shattering of her illusions in life. Laura's personality is characterized by her own collection of glass animals, especially the unicorn. Glass animals are fragile and beautiful and so is she: innocent and vulnerable. Laura is remote from real life, she finds it hard to cope with the world outside the Wingfields? tiny apartment. She is confined in the fantasy world of her glass ornaments: she spends time playing with them and taking care of them. In fact, it is the glass menagerie which she ?takes more interest in than anything else?, and Laura?s favorite one ? the unicorn, is the best reflection of her. The unicorn is different from other ones because it has a horn, it is beautiful and precious in its own unique way. Laura is also pretty ?in a very different way... And all the nicer because of the difference?. This suggests that Laura has unearthly beauty which is hidden by her limp and shyness. However, as Jim points out, unicorns are ?extinct in the modern world? and, therefore, ?must feel sort of lonesome? just a s Laura?s inferiority complex have kept her away from human contacts. Then a big change has happened to Laura and it can be seen through her reaction upon the loss of the unicorn?s horn. When Jim dances with Laura, he hits on the table, dropping the unicorn to the floor and its horn breaks off. Contrary to what might be expected, Laura does not yell or cry out ?as if wounded? like she did when Tom unintentionally broke her glass animal before. She calmly picks it up and reassures Jim that it is alright and ?maybe it?s a blessing in disguise?. She even makes a joke upon the hornless unicorn, ?I?ll just imagine he had an operation. The horn was removed to make him feel less?freakish!?. Now the unicorn is just as normal as the other horses, which symbolizes that Laura becomes more realistic as she begins to accept the truth and learns to face the world.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Introduction Of Gibraltar Mine Commerce Essay
Gibraltar mine is the 2nd largest unfastened cavity Cu mine in Canada, which is located near Williams Lake in British Columbia. The Gibraltar sedimentation is a copper-molybdenum porphyritic rock. The chief primary mineral is sulphide mineral Pyrite and Chalcopyrite. As the militias proclamation at December 31, 2008, Gibraltar mine got a mine life to at least 2035. After finishing the Phase I & A ; II undertakings, the Gibraltar mine achieves the capacity of 55,000 metric tons per twenty-four hours. There are two sorts of mineralization ores, which are sulfide ore and oxide ore. The former 1 could be done by the regular mineral processing method, and the latter one should be done by the method called SX/EW ( solvent extraction electro-winning ) . Gibraltar mine besides updated their excavation and processing equipments for the development. Additional, Gibraltar mine has done a great occupation on the environment and sustainability issues.OverviewLocationThe Gibraltar copper-molybdenu m mine is located about 65 km Northwest of Williams Lake in south-central British Columbia with a well-developed substructure. The mine is accessible by a combination of main roads ( 97 ) and paved roads, and it is close to a rail web that provides service for cargo of Cu dressed ores through the Pacific Ocean port of North Vancouver ( Taseko, 2009 ) . Figure 1: Gibraltar – Regional Location ( Beginning: Taseko, 2009 )PropertiesThe Gibraltar mine is the 2nd largest unfastened cavity Cu mine in Canada ( Gibraltar, 2009 ) . The mine is a 46,000 metric tons per twenty-four hours operation with a life of mine mean one-year production of 100 million lbs of Cu and 1.1 million lbs of Mo. The mine is undergoing an enlargement and modernisation undertaking that will increase one-year Cu production capacity to 115 million lbs by 2011 ( Taseko, 2009 ) . Figure 2: The Satellite View of the Gibraltar Mine ( Beginning: Google Earth, 2009 )Brief historyThe development of the mine is as follow ( MREP, 2009 ) , 1910 The Gibraltar ore sedimentation was foremost discovered 1971 Originally built by Placer Development 1972 Began operation, 24 hours/day, 7 yearss a hebdomad 1998 Shutdown by Boliden due to the low Cu monetary values after 26 old ages operation 1999 Acquired by Taseko Mines Limited ( 100 % ) , put on standby 2003 Copper monetary values begin to increase, explorative boring plan began 2004 Reopened, and the SX-EW works was being restarted 2006 An extended boring plan discovered extra 30 % of militias 2008 Gibraltar proven and likely militias are increased by 28 % to 472 million metric tons, or 2.7 billion lbs of recoverable Cu widening mine life to 2035 ( Gibraltar, 2009 ) 2009 Prosperity Environmental Assessment study is submitted to both Provincial and Federal authoritiessGeologyFigure 3: Gibraltar – Minesite layout ( Beginning: InfoMine, 2009 ) The Gibraltar sedimentation is a copper-molybdenum porphyritic rock. The chief primary mineral is sulphide mineral Pyrite and Chalcopyrite. The ore occurs in seven detached zones, all within a 204 million twelvemonth old flinty stone. The mineralized zones are Gibraltar East, Pollyanna, Gibraltar West, Gibraltar West Extension, Gibraltar North, Connector and Granite Lake ( MREP, 2009 ) . â€Å" The cavities occur within the Granite Mountain batholite in a wide zone of shearing and change. The Sawmill zone lies about 6 kilometres to the South, along the southern border of the batholite, within a complex contact zone between the batholite and Cache Creek Group stones †( InfoMine, 2009 ) . The mine site covers about 109 square kilometres and consists chiefly of 251 mineral claims and 30 excavation rentals ( InfoMine, 2009 ) . When the mine restarted in 2004, militias were merely 149 million metric tons, or about 12 old ages of mine life. The mission for the Gibraltar mine direction squad is to increase militias and widen the mine life. Over the past four old ages, over $ 20 million has been spent on three major drill plans, each plan ensuing in a important addition to turn out and likely militias. The most recent drill plan, in the spring and summer of 2008, resulted in a 28 % addition to turn out and likely militias, as announced in December 2008. Under present militias, the mine is expected to stay in current operation state of affairs until at least 2035. Here is the proclamation at December 31, 2008. Table 1: Calpe Militias and Resources at December 31, 2008 Class ( at 0.20 % Cu Cut-off ) Size ( M Tonnes ) Class Recoverable Metallic element Contained Metallic element Cu ( % ) Mo ( % ) Cu ( B pound ) Cu ( B pound ) Proven & A ; Probable Militias 472 0.315 0.008 2.7 3.0 Measured & A ; Indicated Resources 959 0.298 0.008–5.7 ( Beginning: Gibraltar, 2009 )FinanceTaseko Mines Limited Owns the 100 % of the Gibraltar mine ‘s involvement. The production of the Gibraltar mine is showed as below: Table 2: Summary of the Operating Statisticss Q2 20091 Fiscal 20082 Fiscal 2007 Entire metric tons mined ( 1000000s ) 14.8 51.8 35.4 Metric tons of ore milled ( 1000000s ) 6.5 13.6 9.5 Depriving ratio 1.2 2.7 2.6 Copper class ( % ) 0.35 0.351 0.328 Molybdenum class ( % ) 0.011 0.009 0.011 Copper recovery ( % ) 83.0 75.8 77.5 Molybdenum recovery ( % ) 30.6 31.8 29.6 Copper production ( 1000000s lb ) 39.0 76.9 51.8 Molybdenum production ( 1000s lb ) 404 840 580 Copper production costs, cyberspace of by merchandise credits, per pound of Cu US $ 0.94 US $ 1.87 US $ 1.03 Off belongings costs for conveyance, intervention ( smelting & A ; refinement ) & A ; gross revenues per pound of Cu US $ 0.29 US $ 0.43 US $ 0.35 Entire hard currency costs of production per pound of Cu US $ 1.23 US $ 2.30 US $ 1.38 Notes to postpone: 1 Q2 2009 relates to the 6 months stoping June 30, 2009 2 Fiscal 2008 relates to the 15 months stoping December 31, 2008. ( Beginning: Taseko, 2009 ) From the above tabular array, we can happen that the depriving ration of the Gibraltar mine is at a significantly reduced compared with the anterior old ages. Harmonizing the Taseko mines Second Quarter Results, the Gibraltar mine â€Å" operated for the first six months of 2009 under a program initiated in November 2008, based on 45,000 metric tons per twenty-four hours factory †( Taseko, 2009 ) . â€Å" This new operational program along with worsening input costs, and the realisation of the Phase I enlargement, resulted in well reduced costs compared to prior old ages. The mine is presently reexamining a return to lodge mean strip ratio based on recent strength in Cu and molybdenum demand and corresponding additions in metal monetary values †( Taseko, 2009 ) . As known, the market of metals suffered a historical hardest clip during 2008 and 2009, due to the planetary fiscal crisis. However, the entire hard currency cost of production per pound of Cu of Gibraltar mine declined aggressively to US $ 1.23 in 2009. Therefore, even though the monetary value of Cu has declined, Gibraltar ‘s net income border has still improved.MiningMining OperationMining at Gibraltar is carried out utilizing conventional unfastened cavity methods in the Pollyanna on the east side of the belongings, which is 1.8 kilometer long by 0.7 kilometers at its widest point. Drilling is done by a fleet of 3 rotary blast hole drills, which drill 32 centimeter diameter holes and 15 m deep. Blasting is done two to three times a hebdomad and creates 13.7 m high benches in the cavity wall ( MREP, 2009 ) . â€Å" Blasted ore is loaded by one of three P & A ; H shovels into one of 11 draw trucks that hold between 205 and 240 metric tons each. They haul the ore about 2.4 kilometers to a gyratory crusher located above the cavity near the factory edifice. The draw trucks transport most waste stone to dumps along the north wall of the Pollyanna cavity where they are bit by bit make fulling in the cavity. Some waste stone that contains oxidized Cu mineral ore is hauled out of the cavity to a reserve for polishing procedure †( MREP, 2009 ) . Harmonizing to the Annual General Meeting Presentation, the building for the Phase I enlargement and modernisation was completed in January 2008, accomplishing 46,000 metric tons per twenty-four hours steady province. And Phase II enlargement undertaking was completed in March 2009, to increase the capacity to 55,000 metric tons per twenty-four hours ( Gibraltar, 2009 ) .Mining EquipmentGibraltar mine acquired new excavation equipment in topograph ic point to manage higher factory rates, as below. Figure 4: New Mining truck – 240 ton TEREX MT 4400AC ( Beginning: TEREX, 2009 ) Figure 5: New Mining Shovel – P & A ; H 4100C Electric MS ( Beginning: Zlotnikov, 2009 ; P & A ; H Mining Equipment, 2009 )ProcedureFigure 6: Mill Flowsheet of Gibraltar Mine ( Beginning: Gibraltar, 2008 )Comminution ProcedureComminution is a procedure, which breaks the stone from big balls into smaller pieces and so to finer atoms. There are crushers used for interrupting the big stones and bomber to finer atoms. In Gibraltar mine, the new provender & A ; crunching circuit described as, ROM goes in to a gyratory crusher ( 54Ãâ€"74 ) followed by four parallel secondary crushers ( 13Ãâ€"84 ) in closed circuit. Then, the crushed ores are conveyed into the 34 pess SAG factory through a 45A ° conveyor at a rate of 49,000 metric tons per twenty-four hours. The ore was distributed to 6 ball factory circuits, which pulverize the ore to sand. Then, the stuff discharged from Millss is separated by hydro-cyclones ( The flood & lt ; 0.5mm, underflow & gt ; 0.5mm ) . In add-on, there are 2 re-grinding factory, which are used to cut down the rougher floatation merchandises from under 0.5 millimeter to under 0.1 millimeter ( Chen, 2008 ) .Flotation ProcedureThe froth floatation is really a physical procedure that uses wetting agents and wetting reagents to increase the hydrophobicity of the minerals. The sulfide minerals, such as copper pyrites and peacock ore, are water-resistant ( hydrophobic ) . Ther efore, foams are added to the slurry to do aggregator ( bubbles ) stronger adequate to keep the affiliated minerals to the surface ( EduMine, 2009 ) . From the Millss the slurry is piped into floatation cells, which float a assorted Cu and moly dressed ore, which is piped to a Mo floatation circuit where the moly and Cu dressed ores are separated. These dressed ores pass through a thickening before being dried. In the Copper-Moly Separation Circuit, NaHS is added in this circuit as a Cu sedative in order to forestall the Cu from drifting. Meanwhile, the moly can still drift ( Chen, 2008 ) . Figure 7: Original and Modernized Flotation Circuit ( Beginning: Gibraltar, 2009 )Polishing ProcedureIn the early phase, Gibraltar besides operated a SX/EW ( solvent extraction electro-winning ) works on site to retrieve cathode Cu from Cu oxide minerals, viz. azurite, malachite, chalcocite and cuprite. The procedure involved fade outing these minerals in sulfuric acid with the aid of of course happening bacteriums in out-of-door hemorrhoids of waste stone, followed by electroplating the dissolved Cu metal from the acid in the enclosed refinery edifice. Gibraltar ‘s SX/EW works produced around 38,430 metric tons of cathode Cu from 1986 to 1999. The installation was reopened in 2007 and is one time once more bring forthing Cu cathode at a rate of 1.1 million kgs per twelvemonth ( MREP, 2009 ) . The chiefly intent of the SX/EW works is to pull out Cu from the pregnant leach solutions ( PLS ) collected from the site ‘s leach mopess and heap leach tablet. â€Å" The procedure takes PLS and extracts the Cu in three extraction mixer-settlers. The Cu is extracted through a liquid ion-exchange reagent carried in kerosine. †The Cu is selectively transferred to the organic stage, due to the chemical reaction. The laden organic stage is separated and flows to a strip mixer-settler where the Cu is transferred from the organic to the electrolyte. â€Å" The electrolyte is filtered and heated before being passed through the electro-winning cells where the Cu is plated out on chromium steel steel cathodes. Sporadically, the cathodes are removed from the cells, washed and the Cu sheets automatically harvested. The attendant high quality cathode Cu is bundled and sold †( InfoMine, 2009 ) .ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITYGibraltar Mine besides locates in the bosom of BC ‘s Cariboo Chilcotin tableland, which is a high interior part of assorted cone-bearing woods and grasslands. â€Å" It is home to many different types of wild animate beings, cervid, moose, reindeer, black bears, wolves, every bit good as farm animal. †The intent of Gibraltar ‘s renewal program is to return the site to the wild animate beings. In 1999, an environmental appraisal complete when Taskeo bought the mine concluded the cost to be $ 32.7 million for both renewal and H2O direction. Final inside informations have non been mapped out, but so far grass and legume vegetive screens have been established on disturbed land to instantly command air current eroding and supply eatage ( MREP, 2009 ) . Meanwhile, Gibraltar formed a successful partnership with the Cariboo Regional District ( CRD ) , which designed, built ( 2003 ) and now maintains a landfill on one of the mine ‘s waste stone shit. The landfill accepts 13,000 metric tons of family waste from CRD communities each twelvemonth ( MREP, 2009 ) . The public gave a agree ballot to the landfill site plan, because they believed that set uping such a installation at a mine site would be environmentally, socially and economically sustainable, and could be developed as a public private partnership ( InfoMine, 2009 ) . â€Å" Under the understanding, Gibraltar would stay responsible for the waste stone and drainage below the landfill and the Cariboo Regional District would be responsible for the air infinite above the waste stone †( InfoMine, 2009 ) . The benefits of set uping the landfill at the Gibraltar mine ‘s waste stone shit are legion: ( InfoMine, 2009 ) Located on industrial land, with no demand to construct roads and upset new land, environmental impact and extra cost of building were eliminated. Large on-site mine equipment could construct the landfill at half the cost. The landfill would congratulate mine renewal. The mine ‘s extended surface and groundwater monitoring system would besides function the landfill.DecisionPut a short decision, non like Fisher!
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Townsend Acts
The Townsend Movement and Social Security: In the early 1930’s a man fed up with the great depression came up with and idea to get the county back on track. This man was Francis Townsend and his plan was called the Townsend act. This was the time when the unemployment rate was at a all time high and most people were poor and only getting poorer, when the rich society of the country was benefiting on they way it was being run. With the fall in the stock market most everybody lost their money and were now on the streets because they lost their jobs. Townsend finally fed up with what he saw made a plan that could have changed all this if it was passed. I believe the author wrote this article to show the county now how many people really believed in these plan and wanted it to pass. With millions of followers it could have changed the way of America itself. Instead the social Security act was passed and to this day it still is in effect, although it is in need of change b adly before it runs out of funds. The plan in Townsend’s eyes was quite simple. Everyone over the age of 60 was allowed to retire. The thing is I kept thinking was, are they allowed to retire or were they forced to retire. With the mass of elderly retiring this freed up jobs for the young citizens in the county to take up. Hence lowering the unemployment rate and bringing the country back on track. But his plan didn’t end there, he wanted to also give every retired or person over the age of 60 an allowance of 200 hundred dollars a month. Back in 1935 this was a huge amount of money. They were allowed to get this only if they were able to spend it all before the next check arrives for the next month. This idea would make the country also come back on track and out of the depression. To many this was a good idea and supported the idea of â€Å"youth for work, age for leisure†. When the act started to roll its supporters grew all over the country,... Free Essays on Townsend Acts Free Essays on Townsend Acts The Townsend Movement and Social Security: In the early 1930’s a man fed up with the great depression came up with and idea to get the county back on track. This man was Francis Townsend and his plan was called the Townsend act. This was the time when the unemployment rate was at a all time high and most people were poor and only getting poorer, when the rich society of the country was benefiting on they way it was being run. With the fall in the stock market most everybody lost their money and were now on the streets because they lost their jobs. Townsend finally fed up with what he saw made a plan that could have changed all this if it was passed. I believe the author wrote this article to show the county now how many people really believed in these plan and wanted it to pass. With millions of followers it could have changed the way of America itself. Instead the social Security act was passed and to this day it still is in effect, although it is in need of change b adly before it runs out of funds. The plan in Townsend’s eyes was quite simple. Everyone over the age of 60 was allowed to retire. The thing is I kept thinking was, are they allowed to retire or were they forced to retire. With the mass of elderly retiring this freed up jobs for the young citizens in the county to take up. Hence lowering the unemployment rate and bringing the country back on track. But his plan didn’t end there, he wanted to also give every retired or person over the age of 60 an allowance of 200 hundred dollars a month. Back in 1935 this was a huge amount of money. They were allowed to get this only if they were able to spend it all before the next check arrives for the next month. This idea would make the country also come back on track and out of the depression. To many this was a good idea and supported the idea of â€Å"youth for work, age for leisure†. When the act started to roll its supporters grew all over the country,...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Literature essays
Literature essays Literature has been divided into many periods or eras according to what they emphasize. In the Romantic Period, the Romantic writers stressed the ideas of exploring exotic settings, whether past or present, and contemplating the natural world. Romantics do not trust "civilization," they think the cities are a place of corruption and believe in the dominance of the physical world. Transcendentalism, popular from the mid 1830s to the mid 1840s, was based on the German philosopher Immanuel Kents ideas. They declare that individuals need to gain knowledge of God through reason and not organized religion. They believe the physical world is only a reflection of the spiritual world. In contrast to the Romanticists' beliefs of the physical world being dominant, the Transcendentalists believe the spiritual world dominates. Transcendentalists strive towards being a perfect, complete person. Ralph Waldo Emerson, probably one of the most influential writers during the Romantic Period, expands greatly on the ideas of Transcendentalism and is a strong believer in the concept of self-reliance. The self-reliant man does not conform to the policies of society that he does not believe in, but takes his own initiative to support his beliefs. He will sacrifice anything he has to in order to sustain his values. Emerson was such a strong believer in nonconformity and self-reliance that he wrote an essay entitled Self-Reliance in which he elaborates on his ideas of how a man should act in a society. Many other writers during this time are influenced by Emerson. One of those writers is Richard Wright, who wrote an autobiography entitled Black Boy. He tells how he grows up and how he could rely on himself to get through his struggles. Richard Wright is a primary example and is the embodiment of Emersons self-reliant man. For the most part Wright has to grow up on his own, learning valuable lessons...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Paper on Abuse Reporting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Paper on Abuse Reporting - Essay Example This paper will supply an overview of the child reporting laws of the state of California. This paper will further discuss these laws in relation to my thoughts on confidentiality and the duty to protect others from harm. It will refer to ethical standards of human service s professionals and other codes of ethics. The Office of Child Abuse and Prevention under the California Department of Social Services, is responsible for executing the child abuse and neglect reporting law. According to a Summit (1983), California enacted its first child abuse reporting law in 1963. Earlier laws mandated that physical abuse should only be reported by physicians. The definition of child abuse has however been expanded by the numerous amendments that have been taking place over the years. Laws have also clarified the procedures for reporting various categories of child abuse (Summit, 1983). In California, there are certain professionals who are required to report known cases or suspected cases of child abuse. However, other citizens who are not required by law to do so may also be allowed to do so. Mandated reports and practitioners must therefore be kept updated on amendments made to these laws from time to time so that they can be well informed on what is required of them under all circumstances (Gil, 2001). The California laws on abuse reporting provide for why reporting is necessary, what should be reported, who should report, when reporting should be done and to whom it should be done. The laws also give ways of identifying incidences that need to be reporting and signs to look out for to know when to report. There are guidelines to determine suspicion of the various forms of abuse such as physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect and emotional abuse among others (Summit, 1983). In relation to my thoughts on confidentiality and protecting the rights of others, I am of the opinion that it
Friday, November 1, 2019
Evaluate Legislators in Manassas, Virginia (United States) Essay
Evaluate Legislators in Manassas, Virginia (United States) - Essay Example He stated that he tends to be one of those people who get very passionate about issues, and he is not afraid to stand up and speak. Herring stated that the reason why he had voted against the original transportation package because it shifted most of the responsibility off of the state legislature and onto the local governments. He thought that the original bill is unworkable. He stated further that the local government is really a prerequisite for serving in the General Assembly. Herring ran on a platform of focusing on the three issues: transportation, education and managed growth. Sandy Sullivan, president of the Loudoun Education Association, who endorsed Herring this year, worked on Herring's campaign two years ago. Herring got funding for the projects on his list and delivering results to the citizens.Herring vowed that he will focus not only on finding funding for new projects, but ensuring that the money already allocated for specific roads stays there. Herring said illegal immigration has been a concern of some citizens. Herring said he has worked on two pieces of legislation that would help address the issue of illegal immigration and public safety. ... The first would require courts to check citizenship status of everyone arrested for a felony and withhold bail from those in the country illegally. He reasoned that if a felon is an illegal immigrant, then he is a flight risk. The second measure would make consequences tougher for businesses that are not following the employment laws. Herring believes in a good and quality education for the young people of Virginia. He also wants to make sure that the local schools are retaining quality teachers year after year. Herring worked on legislation that will give grants to Virginians who graduated from a local community college and want to transfer to a Virginia university. Herring's dedication to education is total. The Loudoun Education Association has acknowledged his support. His motivation for becoming a legislator was the same as his motivation for becoming a lawyer. He said that helping people solve their problems motivates him as a legislator. Senator Herring fought hard to repeal the abusive driver fees. Then he therefore, co-sponsored Senate Bill 1. Senate Bill 1 is a bill which would not only repeal the abusive driver fees but it would also refund with interest any fees that drivers have already paid. The hated abusive driver fees were the wrong approach to trying to solve the transportation problems of Virginia. The consequent impact studies on the abusive driver fees have shown they have not been effective at deterring bad driving behavior. Herring aims to continue to work with other members to try to find ways to improve the transportation funding package. To help restore the public trust in the land use process, he introduced a
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