
Monday, June 17, 2019

Ideas and Religious Belief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Ideas and Religious Belief - Essay ExampleWhat if religion confuses political power with the will of God which many preachers and men of church say we have to abide to to maintain the state of which God wants on earth,in England,to match the Elizabethan ages visualizeing of the ladder of being or the chain of being and how it occupies what the world in Gods eyes should be like and be used to by mountainThis idea is occupied in all cultures politically and has been an debatable discussion for battalion throughout the nations. Should the political powers be religious and under the churchs supervision or should be secularthis rises with another fundamental questionshould people hold the facts stated to them in a democratic country or should they accept the facts given them as forceful manner of living which they could and could not accept whether it is involving their trade union with the powers opinions of what is supposed to be in the state or should it be forced and the state of the country be the democracy of discussion and the dictatorship of opinionin other words,should people when getting involved in elections and understanding the stated means of ideas by the intellect get involved or should their ideas be seen as a curtail form of understanding which does not elevate to those who are in powers understanding of the future of the country and state and what it carries from understandings for th peoples welfare and what they see to be what everyone in the state wants for the nation (depending on who is stating what the nation means and who everyone stating it is)A nation (nationa) is understood to be a group of disobedient or the least intellectual groups of people to govern in a state or country which are better known and notioned as those governed,since they least care,understand,have intellect to be able to take a role in forming the understandings and the formulae of which the nation takes to progress forwards. Then who takes this form of underst anding up and deduces and induces the lawsIn religions it is God and His propehst. In secular states it is the intellect of the mos intellectual. These people understand and under-0estimate what could be frivolous being in a better state of affairs and understanding and education being exposed to the highest and best types of education roughly the world which ensure a decent growing up of morals and understandings which inform the rest of the populated countrys people how things should be working in a civilized manner. This understanding forms the wake of the nation and the differences between the plates of the grounds of understanding the ways and means of living which the nations youth and grown ups fight to obtain for various reasons.If this is true,the chain of being thusly has to be a way of controlling the world and understanding the frame of thinking that puts philosophers and political people on the top or middle of

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